Hi Everyone: I'm not sure if this is a bug or something that's new in IOS7 that I just can't figure out. But, before in IOS 6, when you were trying to compose a message all the text of the message would be in one line/place in the edit field. So, if you are like me and use dictation frequently it was easy to dictate the message, listen to voiceover read the message, then correct any mistakes by swiping with a finger to the incorrect word, and deleting it or correcting it. However, I notice in IOS 7 it's like the edit field is several lines long instead of just one straight line of text. So, it causes me a problem when I dictate and want to correct something when I swipe to try to get to the word to correct it it's like voiceover sort of jumps around. I'm finding it very hard to get the cursor on the word I want and correct it. Also, if I am trying to swipe and my finger hits one of the multiple lines of the message the cursor automatically jumps to that line instead of where it was originally at. Are others having trouble with editing text messages? How have you gotten around this? Have you figured it out? Is there something I am doing wrong or is this a bug? I don't mind that the message field is now multiple lines but it makes it really hard to edit the message for those of us who use dictation frequently. Thanks for any feedback/help! Kerri
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