I like vizwiz.

I tend to have to wait for my answer but it's still sent across none the

I think it is the better app in this regard.

Jerry Mader


From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Eileen Misrahi
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 12:00 AM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: a tap tapt see rant




I really value your post. I have been one of those who have been out on the
fence and not purchase a 100 picture package, nor have I updated TaTapSee,
which sits in my app store. Do you have Talking Goggles? I know it's not
perfect, but it could give you enough of the info to identify the items you
need. I just used it yesterday when I needed to trouble shoot my computer
screen and give me the info I needed to make a decision on how to proceed.
It's just a thought. Like you, I am disappointed that TapTapSee changed
their business model, but I do understand why. In the past, there had been
times when I needed to take more than one picture and the picture and would
have counted against my 100 count. It's not that I object to supporting the
debs and paying the fee, but I would like to have increased accuracy in the
responses. I guess I am still one of the luckier ones that I still get a
response to VizWiz when I send them a picture. JMO. 




On Feb 1, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Kay Malmquist <kay.malmqu...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, but the ability to ask questions has already been put to the fine
people at TTS and still nothing as of yet.  That is not to say it isn't
being worked on.  I don't care how small or stupid to some people a fortune
is, not everybody is going to want the same things from an app. It has done
me many favors and read some really neat things to me but it seems more and
more as though it is not doing the job expected.  Several months ago, if I
took a picture of a fortune cookie paper, which I had done, it would be read
the first time.  This is not the case any more.  I have meat in my freezer
which I buy by the side and by the pig and It does not have bar codes on it
and just has labels that have to be read.  TTS Used to get these right on
the first try and this is not the case any more.  I have to resort to
CamFind to get the job done any more and nothing has changed I might add.


----- Original Message -----

From: Robin Frost <mailto:robinn...@gmail.com> 

To: viphone@googlegroups.com

Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 9:44 PM

Subject: Re: a tap tapt see rant



I write the following in humility and with the utmost respect.  While I too
have always been a proponent of an ask a specific question feature and think
it certainly could serve only to enhance the usefulness and efficiency of
the app for all users, it seems to me that your reaction in this instance
might be a bit unfair.  After all given the scope of the information the app
delivers to recognizers at this juncture they did give accurate information
based on that which they had available to them.  You know what they say
about assuming (smile).  We can't assume that what we wish to know is
obvious to them any more than they could or necessarily should assume that
they can deduce exactly that you wanted the actual text of the fortune. In
truth I'm amazed that it came out clearly enough for someone to eventually
recognize for you.  Again I'm not disagreeing that an ask a specific
question via text feature in the app isn't greatly longed for and perhaps
necessary to enhance its usefulness.  I'm just saying that I'm glad your
rant was first directed at us as opposed to them (smile).

Perhaps when the heat of the moment has dissipated a request for such a
feature and explanation of how it could only benefit both users of the app
and those who recognize images might be easier for you to send their way.
Just my two cents no one asked for and no one is obligated to live by.




From: Kay Malmquist <mailto:kay.malmqu...@gmail.com> 

Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 10:33 PM

To: viphone@googlegroups.com

Subject: a tap tapt see rant


I need to write this to the people at Tap Tap See, but right now I am
anything but constructive.  For some odd reason I love to know what my
fortune cookie says.  So I started tap tap see and took a picture.  first
come back was,  "fortune cookie paper".  Brilliant deduction Sherlock.  I am
blind not dense.  Next came back with numbers.  Oops!  wrong side so I flip
it over.  Then next I get, "white paper with black text".  No kidding!  Next
I finally am treated to the actual fortune.  Now I had another one stuffed
in my jacket pocket so I decided since I was in picture wasting  mode I
might as well try for more.  First was fortune cookie paper,  then text on
white paper, then numbers, my bad again, turn it over.  Then back to same
stuff different side.  Finally, the words I had been waiting to hear.  all
in all, 11 pictures wasted before outcome is achieved.  I have paid for 100
pictures and feel this is a huge rip off.  If I had a way to ask even though
in this case I don't feel I should have to state the obvious,  A lot of time
and wasted effort could have been eliminated.  Any thoughts  anybody?

Kay Malmquist

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