I grabbed the below list of shortcut keys from the hotkeys section of iTunes
help (windows version).


Keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in iTunes.
To find the shortcuts for common commands, look in the iTunes menus, or use
the table below as a reference.

Many items in the iTunes window (for example, songs and column headings)
also have shortcut menus that let you do tasks quickly. To see a shortcut
right-click the item.

To turn on full keyboard navigation, choose Edit > Preferences, click
General, and select "Enable full keyboard navigation."

Some screen readers override keyboard combinations built into iTunes; check
the screen reader documentation for instructions on customizing key


table with 2 columns and 20 rows


Play the currently selected song


Move forward or backward within a song

Control-Alt-Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Listen to the next or previous album in a list

Shift-Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Go to the next or previous song in a list

Left Arrow or Right Arrow (or click the Skip Forward or Skip Backward
controls in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window)

Go to the next or last chapter (if available)

Control-Shift-Right Arrow or Left Arrow


Play the currently selected song

Move forward or backward within a song

Listen to the next or previous album in a list

Go to the next or previous song in a list

Go to the next or last chapter (if available)



Control-Alt-Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Shift-Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Left Arrow or Right Arrow (or click the Skip Forward or Skip Backward
controls in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window)

Control-Shift-Right Arrow or Left Arrow


table end

Library and playlist

table with 2 columns and 20 rows


Select or deselect all the songs in a list

Control-click the checkbox next to a song

Create a playlist from a selection of songs


Create a new Smart Playlist


Refresh the Radio list (when Radio is selected)


Refresh a Genius Playlist (when the playlist is selected)



Select or deselect all the songs in a list

Create a playlist from a selection of songs

Create a new Smart Playlist

Refresh the Radio list (when Radio is selected)

Refresh a Genius Playlist (when the playlist is selected)


Control-click the checkbox next to a song






table end

iTunes Store

table with 2 columns and 23 rows


Go to the next page in the iTunes Store

Control-Right bracket ( ] )

Go to the previous page in the iTunes Store

Control-Left bracket ( [ )

Check for new podcast episodes (when Podcasts is selected, below Library)


Initiate a search in the iTunes Store (from anywhere in iTunes)

Type in Search field and press Shift-Return

Open the Store menu


Check for app updates (when Apps is selected, below Library)



Go to the next page in the iTunes Store

Go to the previous page in the iTunes Store

Check for new podcast episodes (when Podcasts is selected, below Library)

Initiate a search in the iTunes Store (from anywhere in iTunes)

Open the Store menu

Check for app updates (when Apps is selected, below Library)


Control-Right bracket ( ] )

Control-Left bracket ( [ )


Type in Search field and press Shift-Return




table end

File and window

table with 2 columns and 26 rows


Expand or collapse all the triangles in the Radio's Stream list

Control-click a triangle

Shrink the iTunes window to show only the playback controls

Click the zoom control in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window

In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the

Alt-N or Alt-P

Select the search field


See more options when a visual effect is showing

Press ?, then press the indicated key to use an option (not all visual
effects support this)

Choose artwork for the selected video

While the video is playing, Control-click the movie, and choose Set Poster

Stream audio file at a specific URL to iTunes



Expand or collapse all the triangles in the Radio's Stream list

Shrink the iTunes window to show only the playback controls

In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the

Select the search field

See more options when a visual effect is showing

Choose artwork for the selected video

Stream audio file at a specific URL to iTunes


Control-click a triangle

Click the zoom control in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window

Alt-N or Alt-P


Press ?, then press the indicated key to use an option (not all visual
effects support this)

While the video is playing, Control-click the movie, and choose Set Poster



table end

iPod, iPhone, and iPad

table with 2 columns and 8 rows


Prevent iPod, iPhone, or iPad from automatically syncing when you connect it
to your computer

Control-Shift as you connect the device to your computer (hold the keys down
until the device appears in the iTunes window)


Prevent iPod, iPhone, or iPad from automatically syncing when you connect it
to your computer


Control-Shift as you connect the device to your computer (hold the keys down
until the device appears in the iTunes window)


table end

File menu

table with 2 columns and 23 rows


Create a new playlist


Add a file to your music library


Close the iTunes window


Open the song or CD Info window for the selected song or CD


Show where a song file is located


Show the currently playing song in the list



Create a new playlist

Add a file to your music library

Close the iTunes window

Open the song or CD Info window for the selected song or CD

Show where a song file is located

Show the currently playing song in the list









table end

Edit menu

table with 2 columns and 26 rows


Open iTunes Preferences


Undo your last typing change while still in edit mode


Cut the selected song's information or artwork


Copy the selected song's information or artwork


Paste the selected song's information or artwork


Select all the songs in the list


Deselect all the songs in the list



Open iTunes Preferences

Undo your last typing change while still in edit mode

Cut the selected song's information or artwork

Copy the selected song's information or artwork

Paste the selected song's information or artwork

Select all the songs in the list

Deselect all the songs in the list










table end

Controls menu

table with 2 columns and 26 rows


Start or stop playing the selected song

Space Bar

When a song is playing, play the next song in a list

Right Arrow

When a song is playing, play the previous song in a list

Left Arrow

Increase the volume

Control-Up Arrow

Decrease the volume

Control-Down Arrow

Mute the sound (song keeps playing)

Control-Alt-Down Arrow

Eject a CD



Start or stop playing the selected song

When a song is playing, play the next song in a list

When a song is playing, play the previous song in a list

Increase the volume

Decrease the volume

Mute the sound (song keeps playing)

Eject a CD


Space Bar

Right Arrow

Left Arrow

Control-Up Arrow

Control-Down Arrow

Control-Alt-Down Arrow



table end

Window menu

table with 2 columns and 8 rows


Eject a CD



Eject a CD




table end

View menu

table with 2 columns and 23 rows


Switch to the MiniPlayer


Hide or show the Browser (Artist and Album columns)


Turn the visualizer on or off


Switch between viewing visual effects using the entire screen or in the
iTunes window (when visualizer is on)


Enter or exit full-screen view


Open the View Options window for the selected source



Switch to the MiniPlayer

Hide or show the Browser (Artist and Album columns)

Turn the visualizer on or off

Switch between viewing visual effects using the entire screen or in the
iTunes window (when visualizer is on)

Enter or exit full-screen view

Open the View Options window for the selected source









table end


table with 2 columns and 17 rows


Open iTunes in "safe mode" (without external plug-ins)

Control-Shift (while opening iTunes)

Edit the name of the currently selected item


Refresh source list


Interrupt the current process (burning a CD, syncing, converting a file, and
so on)



Open iTunes in "safe mode" (without external plug-ins)

Edit the name of the currently selected item

Refresh source list

Interrupt the current process (burning a CD, syncing, converting a file, and
so on)


Control-Shift (while opening iTunes)





table end

With full keyboard navigation enabled

table with 2 columns and 14 rows


Select the next control


Click the currently selected control


Open or close the selected item's disclosure triangle

Left Arrow or Right Arrow, or + and - on the numeric keypad


Select the next control

Click the currently selected control

Open or close the selected item's disclosure triangle




Left Arrow or Right Arrow, or + and - on the numeric keypad


table end

-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Terrie Terlau
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:14 AM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: iTunes 12, no sidebar

Can anyone point me to a list of all hot keys in iTunes? I still remain
baffled by it and would like to make it a friend or at least not a howling
teethgnashing monster (smile)!
Thank you.
Terrie Terlau
-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Sieghard Weitzel
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:57 AM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: iTunes 12, no sidebar

Hi John,

I am not sure why you think these hot keys wouldn't be native to iTunes 12.
They do work perfectly well and in fact I miswrote earlier because I wrote
Alt+1, Aklt+2 etc. and it is of course Control+1, Control+2 and so on. 
worked in iTunes 11 (at least most of them) and they work even better in
iTunes 12. I am also using Jaws and Richard said he is using Window Eyes so
since they work both for me and for him they can't be Jaws or Window Eyes
specific hot keys.


-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of John Diakogeorgiou
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:52 AM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: iTunes 12, no sidebar

As an FYI, these hot keys are not native to ITunes 12. Thanks though their
were a couple I didn't know about.

On 10/18/14, Richard Turner <rich...@turner42.com> wrote:
> OK.  I won't be posting anything I find on the Apple community forum
> I had not looked at iTunes 12 when I search for information and some 
> idiot claimed that the library and such was under playlists.  It 
> didn't make sense, but I thought it might be a reliable source.  Just 
> another example of you can't believe everything you read, especially 
> on the internet.
> So, now that I have updated to iTunes 12, it isn't that bad, just very 
> different.
> I am using Windows 8.1.
> Here are some hot keys that might help:
> control+1 = Music
> Control+2 = Movies
> Control+3 = TV Shows
> Control+4 = Podcasts
> Control+5 = iTunes U
> Control+6 = Auydio Books
> Control+7 = Apps
> Control+8 = Tones
> Control+9 = iTunes Radio
> Control+j = View Options
> Control+Shift+U = Show Up Next
> D = Show Duplicate Items
> Control+Shift+3 Show Downloads
> You still have to do some tabbing around and experimenting to see what 
> works best for you, but you can still get to songs, artists, albums, 
> etc.
> I'm using Window-Eyes and so far, everything seems to be accessible.
> Richard
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On 
> Behalf Of Charles Rivard
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 3:37 PM
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: iTunes 12, no sidebar
> As a Windows user, I don't use VoiceOver when using iTunes.
> ---
> Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 
> finished, you! really! are! finished!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Cheryl Homiak <mailto:cah4...@icloud.com>
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:09 PM
> Subject: Re: iTunes 12, no sidebar
> Maybe I am misunderstanding what is being discussed here because I 
> don't understand why you would tab all over the place. There are still 
> radio buttons which you can get to perfectly fine with voiceover and
> Besides that, there are shortcuts: try starting with cmd-1 and see 
> what happens. But all they do is check the radio buttons which you can 
> also check with vo-space.
> --
> Cheryl
> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
> thrown in the trash!
> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
> His joy for my despairing tears!
> And now, every day:
> "This I call to mind,
> and therefore I have hope:
> The steadfast love of the Lord
> never ceases;
> his mercies never come to an end;
> they are new every morning;
> great is your faithfulness."
> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Teresa Cochran <batsfly...@me.com 
> <mailto:batsfly...@me.com> > wrote:
> I'm curious. Are there keyboard shortcuts for the buttons, or do you 
> use tab? I don't think I would like tabbing all over the place. I know 
> iTunes for the Mac used to have some shortcuts for getting to music, 
> movies,
> like option f5 or some such. Barring that, I'd probably use a touchpad.
> the idea of tabbing everywhere seems very clunky to me.
> Teresa
> "We can see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well, and 
> seeing with the brain is often called imagination."--Oliver Sacks
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 1:32 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:dchitten...@gmail.com> > wrote:
> Yes, the buttons are accessible.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com <mailto:dchitten...@gmail.com>
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 19 Oct 2014, at 09:03, Eileen Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:eileen.misr...@gmail.com> > wrote:
> Hi David,
> So, if this is the case, are the icons accessible with VO? I haven't 
> yet upgraded to iTunes 12 yet. Can you access these icons using VO-M?
> Thanks:
> Eileen
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 12:56 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:dchitten...@gmail.com> > wrote:
> Acording to my sighted partner, these are now all icons at the top of 
> the display. She finds it to be much more visually appealing and 
> easier to
> ,the device icon appears when the device is plugged in. There is no 
> longer anything that is labelled library. There is home, music, 
> movies, more (podcasts, iTunes U, audio books, apps, tones (ring 
> tones), internet
> exit), and finally the device icon. Visually, these are on the bar
> underneath the bar with the play buttons.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com <mailto:dchitten...@gmail.com>
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 19 Oct 2014, at 08:27, christopher hallsworth 
> <challswor...@icloud.com <mailto:challswor...@icloud.com> > wrote:
> Certainly the sidebar is no more so will take some getting used to for 
> those accustomed to it. Don't think the device and library are in 
> playlists.
> On 18 Oct 2014, at 20:21, Richard Turner <rich...@turner42.com 
> <mailto:rich...@turner42.com> > wrote:
> I just heard that iTunes 12 really does not have the sidebar we are 
> used to.
> Apparently, the devices and library are under playlist.
> Anyone updated that can confirm how this works on the Windows side of 
> things?
> Richard
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