Hello list,
I think I have asked before about all this, but some of my e-mails have
been lost, so I'll try again.
I have iphone and Ipad and I am looking for RSS reader with the
following Functions:
1. The function to delete read or seen feeds. I mean I want to be able
to delete my feeds after reading them so it won't fill up my phone.
The ideal situation would be not to have RSS feeds stored on my devices,
but in case it is not possible, the deleting function would be fantastic.
2. The function to kind of synchronize my either read ur unread RSS feeds.
To explain it better, Let's say, for example, I will have the same RSS
app installed on the Iphone and on the Ipad. When I open RSS app and
read an article on the Iphone and delete it, then I open RSS app on the
Ipad all the same article I have read on the phone would be deleted and
won't appear as a new feed.
Something very similar as ifyou're using e-mails and imap on a few
devices and when you delete an e-mail on one device, it would
synchronize on every single device.
3. And the last function is to be notified of new feeds.
I am not sure if something like that is possible on I-devices. But wen I
was using RSS reader or better to say RSS plugin with Miranda software
for computer, I was notified of new RSS feed.
I have Lire and Newsify installed. Does either of these have the
functions mentioned above? If so, could anyone, please, give me
step-by-step instructions how to set it up?
Thank you for your help in advance.
With kind regards
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