From the command line
$ sudo /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/bin/virtuoso-t -c virtuoso.ini -f
$ sudo /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/bin/virtuoso-t -c virtuoso.ini - f -w start without errors (within /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/ virtuoso/db/).

Starting as a daemon by launchd virtuoso doesn't succeed.

This is in the .plist:

I don't see a virtuoso-t process being started, and can't find any related entries in system log files.

Also without -w, the virtuoso-t doesn't seem to be launched as a daemon by launchd.

My guess is now that one of this (as described in $ man launchd.plist) happens:

A daemon or agent launched by launchd MUST NOT do the following in the process directly launched by launchd: - fork(2) and have the parent process exit(3) or _exit(2).
                 -   Call daemon(3)
A daemon or agent launched by launchd SHOULD NOT do the following as a part of their startup initialization:
                 -   Setup the user ID or group ID.
                 -   Setup the working directory.
                 -   chroot(2)
                 -   setsid(2)
                 -   Close "stray" file descriptors.
                 -   Change stdio(3) to /dev/null.
                 -   Setup resource limits with setrusage(2).
                 -   Setup priority with setpriority(2).
                 -   Ignore the SIGTERM signal.

Any suggestions on how to launch virtuoso-t as a launchd daemon are more than welcome...


On 8 jan 2009 17:13  Tim Haynes wrote:
Ceriel Jacobs wrote:
In search for information how to launch virtuoso-t as a daemon in mac os x,
Where can I find documentation what the other minus (-) prefixed virtuoso-t command line startup options mean? Any suggestions which command line arguments to use when running virtuoso-t in daemon mode (on mac os x) are also welcome...

No options required at all! Or you'll find +wait useful, perhaps - detaches itself once it's fully started up and online.

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