> Can you provide the output of running the following query against the
> Virtuoso server with isql to list all rewrite rules on your server:

here you go


> Can you also provide more details on these redirects from apache to Virtuoso
> ?

dbtune.org hosts several semantic web services for music.  most of
them were setup by my former colleague who was heavy into swi-prolog.
so the apache server is full of per-directory re-write proxies
pointing to various prolog servers or d2r servers.

this means the proxypass solution given here is not really a good
option for me (at least i couldn't make it work):

so i've done per-directory redirecting to virtuoso.  but b/c some of
the links seem to be relative in virtuoso i've created a swiss cheese
of redirects.  for example .htaccess in dbtune.org/virt looks like

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /virt

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:6666/$1 [P]

but then to login to conductor web ui i had to create

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /conductor

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:6666/conductor/$1 [P]

i know this is probably one of the most horrible things you've ever
seen and that i should likely be banned from ever admining any
webserver ever again.  please forgive me i've been chucked into the
deep end and i'm trying to stay afloat ;)

my plan, eventually, is to get comfortable w/ virtuoso and switch off
apache and proxy to the swi-prolog servers from virtuoso.

kurt j

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