Hi, I just started using the Virtuoso OpenSource edition 5.0.11 for the purpose of evaluating it as an RDF triple store. I installed the Windows version on my local Windows XP desktop workstation.
I encountered a few obstacles, and I wonder if anyone can help with the two main problems: I logged on to the conductor with dba/dba and clicked System Admin, then User Accounts, then Create New Account. (The "Create New Account" link is hidden among column headers - but that's not much of a problem once the user locates it.) 1- My first problem came after I clicked "Create New Account". Instead of seeing a Save button at the bottom of the page under the Keys section, I see the following error message: 42000U0002: The object "" does not exist. in v:form "account_form" (render) So, I am unable to create a new user. I decided instead to edit an existing user account. So I chose user SPARQL and clicked Edit to enable it and specify a DAV home path for it. I also reset the user's password to "sparql" because I couldn't find the default password anywhere in the Virtuoso documentation. 2- Once I specified a DAV home path (/DAV/home/sparql-home/), checked the "create" box and I clicked Save, I expected that a directory named "sparql-home" would be created somewhere on my disk. I searched and searched, but there is no such directory. My goal is to load up a few triples and query them in Virtuoso for testing. According to this<http://www.snee.com/bobdc.blog/2009/02/getting-started-using-virtuoso.html> Virtuoso user's blog at http://www.snee.com/bobdc.blog/2009/02/getting-started-using-virtuoso.html, I should be able to issue the command: curl -i -T data.rdf http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/sparql-home/data.rdf u SPARQL:sparql However, until I can actually see a sparql-home directory on my system, I won't know where to place my data.rdf file for loading. Any help would be much appreciated. -Ramez