Hi all,

We are trying to integrate VirtuosoXA datasource with JBoss JTA
transaction manager (see attached sample project). We still use
Virtuoso 5.0.9 and corresponding JDBC drivers.

When aborting the transaction (by throwing an exception), we encounter
the following error (line 6597 in server.log):

        javax.transaction.xa.XAException: RMRESUME is not supported yet.

Although the updates are rolled back, we did not expect such an error.
Note: As the purpose of the test is to test rollback, we haven't yet
tested the commit case!

To run the sample:
  - you need a JBoss server
  - copy the contents of src/deploy/jboss/ in your JBoss configuration
(jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default). You may need to update
virtuoso-xa-ds.xml according to your Virtuoso server configuration.
  - 'mvn package' gives you a war in the target directory, copy it to
JBoss (jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy)
  - run the JBoss server (jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin/run.sh)
  - target your browser at http://localhost:8080/virtuoso-test-0.0.1.SNAPSHOT/

The sample performs two JDBC updates to the Virtuoso server, then
throws a runtime exception to abort the current transaction.

You can download the maven project at


Alexandre Bertails.

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