Hello, I'm trying to insert a bunch of triples generated by a program. The program outputs a SPARQL INSERT statement which I haven't been able to load on virtuoso. Looks like the SPARQL preprocessor/compiler doesn't recognizes the "^^" token for the triples being inserted.
Here is a basic example of the query I'm issuing: SPARQL INSERT IN GRAPH <http://www.univrz.com/units/uncefact/> { <http://www.univrz.com/units/uncefact/C81> <http://www.univrz.com/units/hasCode> "C81" . <http://www.univrz.com/units/uncefact/C81> <http://www.univrz.com/units/canonicalUnit> <http://www.univrz.com/units/uncefact/C81> . <http://www.univrz.com/units/uncefact/C81> <http://www.univrz.com/units/valueInCanonicalUnits> 1^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float> } And the error I get is: SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 4: syntax error at '^^' before '<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float>' Any idea? -- Leo Soto M. http://blog.leosoto.com