Hi Hugh.

Sorry for the late reply

downloaded :
-rw-r--r--  1 tiwe tiwe  38483 2010-11-17 15:05 virt_sesame3.jar

tiwe@tiwe:~/work$ java -jar virt_sesame3.jar
OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Provider for Sesame3(TM) Version 3.0-alpha [Build 1.1]

from CVS :
-rw-r--r--  1 tiwe tiwe 30546 2010-02-12 14:56 virt_sesame3.jar

Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

The CVS version works, the other one doesn't.

Timo Westkämper

Hi Timo,

I don't get it, as you say the initial download was from 
http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSDownload ie 
 , which I have just downloaded and compare with the version in the archive and 
they appear to be the same:

$ ls -l virt_sesame3*
-rw-r--r--  1 hughwilliams  hughwilliams  38483 10 Jul 13:52 virt_sesame3.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 hughwilliams  hughwilliams  38483 18 Nov 15:43 
$ diff virt_sesame3.jar virt_sesame3_old.jar
$ java -jar virt_sesame3.jar
OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Provider for Sesame3(TM) Version 3.0-alpha [Build 1.1]
$ java -jar virt_sesame3_old.jar
OpenLink Virtuoso(TM) Provider for Sesame3(TM) Version 3.0-alpha [Build 1.1]

The command for obtaining the version of the jar file was added on 5th July a 
few days before the last open source release on the 9th July, does the original 
file you downloaded give you a version string, as I can only assume you have 
downloaded a cached version somehow ?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 18 Nov 2010, at 13:05, Timo Westkämper wrote:

Hi Hugh.

The jar in CVS (virt_sesame3.jar) works perfectly well, and the sources
seem fine as well, but the jar on the Download page causes the Exception.

It seems that for some reason the used ValueFactory doesn't contain a

Best regards,
Timo Westkämper.
Hi Timo,

The source for the sesame 3 provider are in ~/binsrc/sesame3/virtuoso_driver of 
the open source archive (ditto for the sesame2 provider) ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 18 Nov 2010, at 07:08, Timo Westkämper wrote:

Hi Hugh.

I used the Sesame 3 adapter and JDBC 4 driver from this page :

The Sesame dependencies I use are from the 3.0-alpha-1 version via this
Maven repository :

Are the sources for the Virtuoso Sesame 3 adapter available for
download? This way I could debug the problem more easily.

Best regards
Timo Westkämper.

Hi Timo,

Yes, Virtuoso does support blank nodes as does the Virtuoso Sesame Provider.  
How exactly are you compiling and attempting to run the application containing 
the code snippet you provided below ?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 17 Nov 2010, at 15:35, Timo Westkämper wrote:


I am using Sesame 3 with the JDBC 4 driver to access a Virtuoso database
and I am having problems creating blank nodes through it :

         Repository repository = new
VirtuosoRepository("localhost:1111", "dba", "dba");
         RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection();

This is the stacktrace I get :


Blank nodes are not supported with OpenLink Virtuoso?

Best regards
Timo Westkämper

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