According to the SPARQL reference, multiple FROM clauses should mean a
query over the merge of all specified datasets.

I used multiple graph in a query and a combination of filter and minus operators in "where" clause in this way:

FROM <graph1>
FROM <graph2>
?s rdf:type <type1>
MINUS {  ?s <p1> ?p1 .
?s <p2> ?p2 FILTER ( ?p2='p2_1' || ?p2='p2_2' )

The result is 0 (it should not).
It does not happen removing the first graph or removing the "or" in the filter (or the minus clause).
Thanks for the help

Nicola Ghirardi

I'm using Virtuoso version 07.00.3203 on Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu), Single Server Edition

This the query "explain":

  0: __rdflit := Call __rdflit (rdflit1067587)
  5: __rdflit := Call __rdflit (rdflit1067586)
  10: BReturn 0
 RDF_QUAD_POGS 4.2e+02 rows(s_13_8_t2.O, s_13_8_t2.S, s_13_8_t2.G)
  P = #ssd , O = $32 "in_iter"
 END Node
 After test:
0: one_of_these := Call one_of_these (s_13_8_t2.G, #database/repositories/rlink/config , #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
  5: if ( 0 < one_of_these) then 9 else 31 unkn 31
  9: if ({
 RDF_QUAD 0.41 rows(s_12_4_t0.G)
  inlined P = #hasVersion , S = k_s_13_8_t2.S
 END Node
 After test:
0: one_of_these := Call one_of_these (s_12_4_t0.G, #database/repositories/rlink/config , #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
  5: if ( 0 < one_of_these) then 9 else 10 unkn 10
  9: BReturn 1
  10: BReturn 0
 Subquery Select( <none> )
 ) then 31 else 13 unkn 31
  13: isiri_id := Call isiri_id (s_13_8_t2.O)
  18: temp := artm 1 - isiri_id
  22: temp := artm 1 - isiri_id
  26: if ( 0 = temp) then 31 else 30 unkn 31
  30: BReturn 1
  31: BReturn 0
in iterates in_iter over ( #database/repositories/rlink/config , #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
 RDF_QUAD 0.18 rows(s_13_8_t1.S)
inlined P = #type , S = k_s_13_8_t2.S , O = #ResearchContent , G = k_in_iter
 After code:
  0: istanza := Call __id2in (s_13_8_t1.S)
  5: BReturn 0
 Select (istanza)

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