Hi Nicola,

Thought I has seen this post before, you seem to have asked the same question 
two weeks ago and gave the same response,  but the queries below do not have 
any from clauses, which is the subject of the original problem, thus in what 
way are they related ?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
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Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers

On 8 Dec 2013, at 13:18, ghirardi nicola <n.ghira...@cineca.it> wrote:

> Hi 
> A very similar query not working as expected is this one. 
> In this case multiple form is not involved but It's a very similar pattern 
> and I suppose is related. 
> This query return 0: 
> SELECT   ?s 
>  { 
> ?s rdf:type <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Agent>. 
> ?s <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject>  ?p2 . 
> FILTER NOT EXISTS {  ?s <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/alias> "The Bad 
> Samaritans" .  } 
>  FILTER ( ?p2=<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:British_punk_rock_groups> 
> || ?p2=<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:English_rock_music_groups> ) 
> } 
> This query return lots of result (removing or): 
> SELECT   ?s 
>  { 
> ?s rdf:type <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Agent>. 
> ?s <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject>  ?p2 . 
> FILTER NOT EXISTS {  ?s <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/alias> "The Bad 
> Samaritans" .  } 
>  FILTER ( ?p2=<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:British_punk_rock_groups> 
> ) 
> } 
> Nicola
> On 06/12/2013 18:43, Hugh Williams wrote:
>> Hi Nicola,
>> Are you able to provide a test case to recreate this behaviour we can setup 
>> locally ?
>> Best Regards
>> Hugh Williams
>> Professional Services
>> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http://www.openlinksw.com/
>> Weblog   -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>> Twitter  -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>> Google+  -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>> On 20 Nov 2013, at 19:20, ghirardi nicola <n.ghira...@cineca.it> wrote:
>>> According to the SPARQL reference, multiple FROM clauses should mean a 
>>> query over the merge of all specified datasets. 
>>> http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#unnamedGraph 
>>> I used multiple graph in a query and  a combination of filter and minus 
>>> operators in "where" clause  in this way:
>>> SELECT   ?s
>>> FROM <graph1> 
>>> FROM <graph2> 
>>>  { 
>>> ?s rdf:type <type1> 
>>> MINUS {  ?s <p1> ?p1 .
>>>       }
>>> ?s <p2> ?p2 FILTER ( ?p2='p2_1' || ?p2='p2_2' )
>>> } 
>>> The result is 0 (it should not).
>>> It does not happen removing the first graph or removing the "or" in the 
>>> filter (or the minus clause).
>>> Thanks for the help
>>> Nicola Ghirardi
>>> Italy
>>> PS.
>>> I'm using Virtuoso version 07.00.3203 on Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu), 
>>> Single Server Edition 
>>> This the query "explain":
>>>  {
>>>  Precode:
>>>   0: __rdflit := Call __rdflit (rdflit1067587)
>>>   5: __rdflit := Call __rdflit (rdflit1067586)
>>>   10: BReturn 0
>>>  RDF_QUAD_POGS 4.2e+02 rows(s_13_8_t2.O, s_13_8_t2.S, s_13_8_t2.G)
>>>   P = #ssd , O = $32 "in_iter"
>>>  END Node
>>>  After test:
>>>   0: one_of_these := Call one_of_these (s_13_8_t2.G, 
>>> #database/repositories/rlink/config , 
>>> #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
>>>   5: if ( 0 < one_of_these) then 9 else 31 unkn 31
>>>   9: if ({
>>>  RDF_QUAD 0.41 rows(s_12_4_t0.G)
>>>   inlined P = #hasVersion , S = k_s_13_8_t2.S
>>>  END Node
>>>  After test:
>>>   0: one_of_these := Call one_of_these (s_12_4_t0.G, 
>>> #database/repositories/rlink/config , 
>>> #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
>>>   5: if ( 0 < one_of_these) then 9 else 10 unkn 10
>>>   9: BReturn 1
>>>   10: BReturn 0
>>>  Subquery Select( <none> )
>>>  }
>>>  ) then 31 else 13 unkn 31
>>>   13: isiri_id := Call isiri_id (s_13_8_t2.O)
>>>   18: temp := artm 1 - isiri_id
>>>   22: temp := artm 1 - isiri_id
>>>   26: if ( 0 = temp) then 31 else 30 unkn 31
>>>   30: BReturn 1
>>>   31: BReturn 0
>>>  in iterates in_iter over ( #database/repositories/rlink/config , 
>>> #database/repositories/rlink/researchUgovData )
>>>  RDF_QUAD 0.18 rows(s_13_8_t1.S)
>>>   inlined P = #type , S = k_s_13_8_t2.S , O = #ResearchContent , G = 
>>> k_in_iter
>>>  After code:
>>>   0: istanza := Call __id2in (s_13_8_t1.S)
>>>   5: BReturn 0
>>>  Select (istanza)
>>>  }
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