Hi Quentin,

Sounds like there maybe a problem with the indexes on the RDF_QUAD table, so 
you should. 

1.  Perform integrity check on the database with the command "backup 

2. Check the count of indexes on the RDF_QUAD table which should all be the 

        select count(*) from RDF_QUAD table option (index RDF_QUAD)
        select count(*) from RDF_QUAD table option (index RDF_QUAD_POGS)
        select count(*) from RDF_QUAD table option (index RDF_QUAD_SP)

If you can provide a lcopy of the DB file it can be checked. ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
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On 21 Feb 2014, at 04:12, Quentin <quent...@clearbluewater.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
> I hadn't, I'd forgotten the name of the audit functions.  I ran the 
> backup->null test described under database recovery and that gave no 
> indication of a problem.
> Running the audit now as below, it returned '0'  and rerunning the query 
> still failed to return triples with the SPO pattern included.
> select DB.DBA.RDF_AUDIT_METADATA(1,'*');
> However....this has put the database into an interesting state.  Previously, 
> this graph held triples and could be read by some queries.  Now it does and 
> doesn't, depending on how I ask.  I ran some of these queries immediately 
> before the audit and got the expected results.
> ---
> sparql
> prefix o: <http://myOntology/>
> select *
> from <http://myGraph/>
> {
> ?S ?P ?O .
> } 
> ---
> Nothing is returned.
> ---
> sparql
> prefix o: <http://myOntology/>
> select *
> from <http://myGraph/>
> {
> ?S a o:myClass .
> } 
> ---
> Nothing is returned.
> ---
> sparql
> prefix o: <http://myOntology/>
> select ?G ?S
> where { GRAPH ?G {
> ?S a o:myClass .
> }};
> ---
> Nothing is returned.
> --
> sparql
> select distinct ?G
> where { GRAPH ?G {
> ?S ?P ?O .
> }};
> ---
> This lists every graph including the graph in question, suggesting that at 
> least one triple does in fact exist in it.
> Conductor->LinkedData->Graphs also lists the graph.
> I'm not sure what to do with the DB now.
> I can provide a login if you're interested in a closer look at it.
> I did copy this database and transaction log to a clean build of develop7 as 
> of a day ago and that had the same problem though it's unknown whether it 
> would still be capable of getting into that state.  Without knowing how it 
> got into this state, it's not practical to retest in any particular release 
> as the intermittence ensures there'll always be a more recent release to test 
> against when it does occur.
> On 21 February 2014 14:37, Hugh Williams <hwilli...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> Hi Quentin,
> Have you tried running the DB.DBA.RDF_AUDIT_METADATA() function which can 
> check for and repair RDF metadata corruption, as detailed at:
>         http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/fn_rdf_audit_metadata.html
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http://www.openlinksw.com/
> Weblog   -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
> Twitter  -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
> Google+  -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
> On 20 Feb 2014, at 05:08, Quentin <quent...@clearbluewater.com.au> wrote:
> > Actually, the explain plan was from a pattern in an earlier testcase that 
> > also failed.  The one listed has this explain plan.
> >  {
> >  RDF_QUAD_POGS 8 rows(s_10_2_t0.S)
> >   P = ##type , O = #/APIConsumer G = #/
> >
> >  Precode:
> >   0: S := Call __id2in (s_10_2_t0.S)
> >   5: BReturn 0
> >  RDF_QUAD_GS unq 0.64 rows ()
> >   inlined G = #/ , S = s_10_2_t0.S
> >  RDF_QUAD_SP 10 rows(s_10_2_t1.P)
> >   inlined S = k_s_10_2_t0.S
> >  RDF_QUAD_POGS 0.3 rows(s_10_2_t1.O)
> >   inlined P = k_s_10_2_t1.P S = k_s_10_2_t0.S , G = #/
> >
> >  After code:
> >   0: P := Call __id2in (s_10_2_t1.P)
> >   5: O := Call __ro2sq (s_10_2_t1.O)
> >   10: BReturn 0
> >  Select (S, P, O)
> >  }
> > No. of rows in result: 20
> >
> >
> > On 20 February 2014 16:05, Quentin <quent...@clearbluewater.com.au> wrote:
> > This appears to be an intermittent error that pops up every few weeks, 
> > restarting the DB usually resolves it though not this time.
> >
> > The query that fails is of the form:
> >
> > sparql
> > prefix o: <http://myOntology/>
> >
> > select *
> > from <http://myGraph/>
> > {
> >
> > ?S a o:myClass .
> > #?S ?P ?O .
> > }
> > ====
> > It works until I remove that comment, correctly returning three bindings 
> > for ?S.  Once that comment is removed, zero bindings are returned.  If I 
> > comment the class line and just return SPO, I can find the ?S in the 
> > triples that matches the class binding.
> >
> > The explain plan is this:
> >  {
> >  RDF_QUAD_POGS 8 rows(s_11_2_t0.S)
> >   P = ##type , O = #/MyClass G = #/
> >
> >  Precode:
> >   0: S := Call __id2in (s_11_2_t0.S)
> >   5: BReturn 0
> >  RDF_QUAD_GS unq 0.5 rows ()
> >   inlined G = #/ , S = s_11_2_t0.S
> >  RDF_QUAD_SP 8.3 rows(s_11_2_t1.P)
> >   inlined S = k_s_11_2_t0.S
> >  RDF_QUAD_POGS 0.28 rows(s_11_2_t1.O)
> >   inlined P = k_s_11_2_t1.P S = k_s_11_2_t0.S , G = #/
> >
> >  After code:
> >   0: P := Call __id2in (s_11_2_t1.P)
> >   5: O := Call __ro2sq (s_11_2_t1.O)
> >   10: BReturn 0
> >  Select (S, P, O)
> >  }
> > No. of rows in result: 20
> >
> > Debug log under trace_on shows nothing unusual.
> >
> > The instance is:
> > Version 7.0.1-dev.3207-pthreads as of Feb  3 2014
> > Compiled for Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
> >
> > I've quarantined the running instance of the DB and it consistently fails 
> > as above.  This behaviour began just a few hours ago, queries of this sort 
> > performed perfectly this morning and then began failing abruptly with no 
> > obvious reason why.
> >
> > I'm not sure it's related but when I cloned the running instance and 
> > started the DB on the clone, the log includes this error:
> > 05:01:06 ERROR: Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR528: 
> > Uninitialized property qmfOkForAnySqlvalue in JSO instance 
> > <http://www.openlinksw.com/virtrdf-data-formats#default-iid> of type 
> > <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#QuadMapFormat> --  
> >
> >
> > --
> > Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
> > quent...@clearbluewater.com.au
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
> > quent...@clearbluewater.com.au
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> Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
> quent...@clearbluewater.com.au
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