My experience was that I needed explicit SQL:

   DELETE FROM load_list;

I didn't see anything else.   I also didn't experience any acceleration from 
TTLP_MT vs TTLP even though I had multiple cores.   I only had 2 cores, and so 
I don't know whether it reflects on the product.
From: Eng.Bassam []
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 12:21 PM
To: Hugh Williams;
Subject: Re: [Virtuoso-users] uploade TTl big file?

I have split my file to 4 files, and Now I'm trying bulk loader strategy,
I see after create the loader, I can see the files handled
select * from DB.DBA.load_list;

the first time was an error in my files, how can I try again run loader  and 
check status in DB.DBA.load_list (delete last result)??


On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Hugh Williams 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Bassam,

You can call the TTLP_MT() function as you are doing for a single file, but 
generally we would recommend the use of the Virtuoso RDF Bulk loader as 
detailed at:

Which enable you to better manage the bulk loading of RDF datasets.

The Virtuoso LDMeter functions can also be used to monitor the progress of data 
loads ie load rates etc as detailed at:

Generally you need to ensure you have tuned the Virtuoso server for RDF 
performance, as if you run out of Buffers (memory) and have to swapping to and 
from disk, this will kill load rates and performance generally as detailed at:

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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On 25 Jan 2016, at 10:45, Eng.Bassam 
<<>> wrote:


I have a big TTL file about (2GB), I try upload it in virtuoso via ISQL:

DB.DBA.TTLP_MT (file_to_string_output ('C:/Program Files/OpenLink 
Software/Virtuoso 7.2/vad/geneDiseaseAssociation.ttl'), '', 

is this right, or wrong?
I need fastest way, and wish to see a progress bar to know how remaining time

while it executing, I made COUNT(*) via SPARQL to see if count of added triples 
to graph increase or not, I think after 1 hour not add any triple on graph and 
ISQL still busy!!!! :(

> Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
>Software Engineer.

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> Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
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