On 6/13/16 9:59 AM, Davis, Daniel (NIH/NLM) [C] wrote:
> I figured out how I could make it work, anyway.   Such "replication on a 
> schedule" is not usually the way that database replication works, and I'm not 
> sure I should try to make it work this way.  

When using Replication (be it Single-Server or Cluster Editions) the
focal points of configuration are:

[1] Publications -- this is where you identify named graphs or SQL
tables to be replicated

[2] Replication Modality -- this is where to select what kind of
replication you seek: transactional, incremental, snapshot

[3] Replication Schedule -- bar transactional (which is depends on
transaction logs and checkpoint intervals) you can schedule intervals
for snapshot and incremental replication modalities.


Kingsley Idehen       
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
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