Hi Roland,

Is this not the same method you have loaded DBpedia NL datasets in the past ? 
In which case what is different with this new dataset load ?

What other graphs are in the Quad Store:

        SPARQL SELECT ?g COUNT(*) { GRAPH ?g {?s ?p ?o.} } GROUP BY ?g ORDER BY 

and can you query and of the other graphs with the name specified in the 
“Default Data Set Name” field (from)

Also, does the following return results when run from the isql command line 

        sparql select * from <http://nl.dbpedia.org>  { ?s foaf:depiction ?pic 
} limit 100;

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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> On 24 Jan 2017, at 17:22, Roland Cornelissen <metamatter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this weird situation where I load a dataset into nl.dbpedia like this:
> ld_dir ('/opt/static/data/nlwiki/20170120/', '*.nt', 'http://nl.dbpedia.org');
> rdf_loader_run();
> Now when I query the data I don't get it any results through the sparql 
> interface when I phrase the query like this
> But when the graph is explicitly specified in the query I get results as 
> expected, like this
> Results are not showing up in the URI resolving interface.
> Whats is going on here? How do I get those triples in the right graph?
> Thanks,
> Roland
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