On 1/24/17 12:22 PM, Roland Cornelissen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this weird situation where I load a dataset into nl.dbpedia
> like this:
> ld_dir ('/opt/static/data/nlwiki/20170120/', '*.nt',
> 'http://nl.dbpedia.org');
> rdf_loader_run();
> Now when I query the data I don't get it any results through the
> sparql interface when I phrase the query like this
> <http://nl.dbpedia.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=http%3A%2F%2Fnl.dbpedia.org&qtxt=select+*+%7B%3Fs+foaf%3Adepiction+%3Fpic+%7D+limit+100%0D%0A&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=30000&debug=on>
> But when the graph is explicitly specified in the query I get results
> as expected, like this
> <http://nl.dbpedia.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=&qtxt=select+*+%7Bgraph+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fnl.dbpedia.org%3E+%7B%3Fs+foaf%3Adepiction+%3Fpic%7D%7D+limit+100&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=30000&debug=on>
> Results are not showing up in the URI resolving interface.
> Whats is going on here? How do I get those triples in the right graph?
> Thanks,
> Roland

What happens when you try:


If that's fine, this its down do you not using: GRAPH ?g in the dataset
modifier (body) of your sparql query.


Kingsley Idehen       
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