On 4/8/2016 10:03 AM, Ray Pelletier wrote:
I really like the idea of the chair cockpit.  For example, we could get 
Meetecho to pre-load the slides that have been loaded in to the tools site (and 
all of the associated drafts), have their laptop connected to both projectors, 
and have their laptop be the place where you navigate the decks.  The meetecho 
team was fantastically helpful this week, springing into action whenever you 
said their name in the jabber channel.  That could be made more discoverable in 
a tweaked UI.

In practical terms, this needs one person focused on running the meeting and a second person, sitting next to the first, running the meeting's integrated tech cockpit.

More generally:

We should formulate basic operational scenarios for each relevant actor (chair running the meeting, chair operating the cockpit, presenters in the room, presenters not in the room, audience in the room, audience not in the room.

     And we should formulate templates for how they interact.

I think we are remarkably close to being able to make things work quite well. Maybe not reaching the magical 'seamlessly', but quite well.

From my experience this week, the biggest deficiency is queue management. The virtual queue, for remote participants, worked usefully, but have in-room folk be in a separate queue creates a juggling problem operationally. Things will get far simpler if/when we figure out a workable way to get in-room folk also be listed in the virtual queue.[*]

I suspect there is also an issue with the virtual queue, in terms of remote hubs, if they also have in-room microphones.

Anyhow, defining the scenarios we want to support and targeting them is what we should do. And if we want this to be real for IETF 100, we'd better target a serious dress rehearsal for IETF 98.


[*] I suspect we are also going to want two or more cameras in a room, so that folk can see chairs, in-room speaker, and audience-at-microphone simultaneously.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking

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