Hi Nalini,

thanks for this well-written draft.

I have some comments:

1) section 4.6.1 Bandwidth: it would be good to talk about wifi
connectivity here.
Many hosts have limitations on the wifi password and access to wifi.
In many cases, only employees are allowed to access the enterprise wifi.
Either a guest access has to be provided to the attendees or it should
be made clear in advance that no wifi will be provided.

2) In some cases, the timezone difference will make sure that the RPH
will happen at night.

in such cases, i would suggest necessary guidelines for off-work-hour
dos-and-donts be provided to the RPH attendees.

3) section 4.7: if the host is an enterprise,
it would be good to work out the security passes/paperwork for the TBH
attendees beforehand.

4) section 4.2: considering that the participation is remote, testing
and verification of connectivity,

quality of sound and responsiveness and delays should be understood at
least a day before.

5) if presentations are to be made by authors from RPH, then what are
the guidelines?



2017-06-15 20:20 GMT+05:30 <nalini.elk...@insidethestack.com>:

> All,
> We have submitted the first of three drafts discussing Remote Hubs.
>  Please provide comments on the VMEET list.
> Three types of remote hubs are defined.  Each has its own characteristics.
>   - Remote Participation Hubs
>   - Remote Viewing Hubs
>   - Enduring Local Meetups
> The first document defines a Remote Participation Hub (RPH).  Other
> documents are coming to define the other types of hubs.  A common structure
> of sections will be
> used as far as possible for all hub types.
> URL:            https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-elkins-ietf-
> remote-participation-hubs-00.txt
> Status:        https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-elkins-ietf-remote-
> participation-hubs/
> Htmlized:      https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-elkins-ietf-remote-
> participation-hubs-00
> Htmlized:      https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-elkins-ietf-
> remote-participation-hubs-00
> Thanks,
> Nalini Elkins
> CEO and Founder
> Inside Products, Inc.
> www.insidethestack.com
> (831) 659-8360
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