John E. Malmberg wrote:
Craig A. Berry wrote:

At 8:15 PM -0500 1/21/06, John E. Malmberg wrote:
$ perl harness [.op]stat.t
        Test returned status 12 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
                (VMS status is 12)
FAILED--1 test script could be run, alas--no output ever seen
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00,

So far, this seems to be based on several phase of the moon issues.
I have placed comments in a copy [.op]stat.t1 to get it down to the minimum code that will reproduce an access violation with every run.

When I extract this code into a separate module, the access violation does not occur.

I can also not reproduce the access violation when running it in the debugger.

This usually means an uninitialized variable, as the debugger tends to clear stack as it runs.

By adding in print STDERR statements to the [.op]stat.t1, I was able to isolate where the failure is happening.

The access violation is occurring on the line below when $Null = '_NLA0:', but not when it is '/dev/null'.

   -e $Null;

It does not occur when $Null is replaced by either of the above text constants.

It looks like the next step is to put some fprintf and fputs calls to write output to stderr for the routines that should be processing the above statement to see if the exact location of the access violation can be found. Maybe once I start looking at that code it may become obvious.

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