On Apr 22, 2006, at 11:59 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

Ken Williams wrote:
I got a report of some VMS problems in File::Spec, and I put together this patch relative to 3.17:
Could someone on VMS check it out?  Thanks.

I will see if I can find some time tomorrow. I have a long list of issues with VMS file parsing problems that I am working through.

Can you find a way so that '^.' is not treated as '.'? For a quick fix, if the ^ character precedes any thing that is a non Alpha- numeric, then that that character is not treated as a delimiter in a file specification. Treat '^' in a VMS specification like '\' in a UNIX style string.

Getting File::Spec to understand that would help a lot.

The main obstacle to me doing stuff like that is that VMS::Filespec doesn't load on non-VMS machines. I'd say that's perhaps an even bigger priority, so that the rest of the world can test the VMS stuff and squash bugs, etc.


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