At 4:14 PM -0500 4/24/06, Ken Williams wrote:
>On Apr 22, 2006, at 9:29 PM, Ken Williams wrote:
>>I got a report of some VMS problems in File::Spec, and I put together this 
>>patch relative to 3.17:
>The OP for that issue made a correction, the new section in t/Spec.t should be:
>[ "VMS->catfile('0','b','c')",     '[.0.b]c' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('a','0','c')",     '[.a.0]c' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('a','b','0')",     '[.a.b]0' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('0','0','c')",     '[.0.0]c' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('a','0','0')",     '[.a.0]0' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('0','b','0')",     '[.0.b]0' ],
>[ "VMS->catfile('0','0','0')",     '[.0.0]0' ],
>Originally it was missing the '.' at the beginning of the directory portions 
>for the output.

Sorry for the slow reply, but yes, this passes all the File::Spec
tests when dropped into a fairly recent bleadperl.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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