Craig A. Berry wrote:
At 11:11 PM -0500 6/6/06, Craig A. Berry wrote:

Sorry for the grumpy tone.    I was just a little taken aback that
such massive changes were necessary, but since they are, I'm glad
you've made them :-).  I've applied this with very slight
modifications as #28367.  I modified vms_split_path() so that it does
not try to pass around thread context; as far as I can tell, it does
not manipulate any global data, so there's not much reason for it to
do that, and now it can also be used in other places that do not have
thread context handy.  The only other change was that I restored a
lib$getdvi call in encode_dev() that your patch deleted -- just looks
like PF4 got whacked one time too many.

I just started a threaded build with the lib$getdvi() call restored. I added the thread context to the callers of vms_split_path().

I thought that the _ckvmssts() macro required the thread context. At least that seems to be what it is showing on my listings because it calls Perl_croak() which needs the thread context.

I must have slipped with the editor when applying your patch to my changes.

If there is any more documentation available about VTF-7, I'd
appreciate pointers.

The documentation is scattered about VTF-7. The fastest way I have found to get to the references is to enter it as a keyword to a google search, as it is a uniquely OpenVMS name.

I did the conversion manually mainly to avoid the overhead of setting up and calling the iconv() routines each time. I was not sure if I could open an iconv context in the main thread and then use it in all the resulting threads.

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