On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 13:42 -0500, Craig A. Berry wrote:
> At 8:35 PM +0100 8/4/06, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> >Peter Prymmer wrote:
> >>"Craig A. Berry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/04/2006 02:16:03 PM:
> >>
> >>>At 8:45 AM +0100 8/4/06, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>On 03-Aug-2006 Craig A. Berry wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>perl "-MExtUtils::Command" -e "rm_f" foo.[0-9][0-9]
> >>>>
> >>>>%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
> >>>>address=00000000006B4000, PC=000000007AE26F60, PS=0000001B
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>The good news is that this does not appear to happen in the current
> >>>development stream ("bleadperl"), so something got fixed.  The bad
> >>>news is I don't know what got fixed when.  If I have any luck
> >>>narrowing down a fix, I'll let you know.
> >>
> >>
> >>For what it might be worth: I too see the same
> >>failure on perl 5.8.7 built with:
> >>
> >>HP C V7.2-001 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.2-1
> >I am using
> >
> >HP C V7.1-011 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.2-1
> >
> >To my knowledge we have not touched this machine in terms of installs.
> >It is predominantly as HP provided it to us - within the last 6 months - 
> >can't remember when exactly.
> Building Perl 5.8.8 (the current stable release) on the testdrive
> machine, which has:
> $ cc/vers
> HP C V7.2-001 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.2-1
> I do not see the access violation, and MMS clean runs to completion
> without error.  So I think that's your answer.  Build your own copy
> of Perl 5.8.8 from source and go from there.


Thanks. I've been trying to build 5.8.8 for 2 days now. Each time I run
mms it gets a little further but I have to wait between runs obviously
because there is something wrong with my time. The first mms fails with:

Set Default [.c]
MMS /Descrip= Descrip.MMS all
%MMS-W-GMFUTURE, Time for [-.BLIB.BIN].EXISTS is in the future:
6-AUG-2006 12:29:11.00
%MMS-W-GMFUTURE, Time for [-.BLIB.SCRIPT].EXISTS is in the future:
6-AUG-2006 12:29:12.00
%MMS-W-GMFUTURE, Time for [-.BLIB.MAN1].EXISTS is in the future:
6-AUG-2006 12:29:13.00
%MMS-W-GMFUTURE, Time for [-.BLIB.MAN3].EXISTS is in the future:
6-AUG-2006 12:29:13.00
MCR [---]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]" "-I[---.lib]" -e "use
ExtUtils::Mksymlists;"        -e "Mksymlists('NAME' => 'B::C',
'DL_FUNCS' => {  }, 'DL_VARS' => [], 'FUNCLIST' => [])"
MCR [---]miniperl.exe -e "print ""[---.lib.auto.B.C]C.olb/Include=C
\n[---.lib.auto.B.C]C.olb/Library\n"";" >>C.OPT
MCR [---]miniperl.exe -e "print qq{[---]PerlShr.exe/Share\n}" >>C.OPT
MCR DKA0:[NICK.MARTIN.PERL-5_8_8]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]"
"-I[---.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e cp C.OPT [---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.OPT
MCR [---]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]"
"-I[---.lib]" [---.lib.ExtUtils]xsubpp  -typemap
[---.lib.ExtUtils]typemap C.xs >C.C
CC/DECC /Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj 
If F$Search("[---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.OLB").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create
Library/Object/Replace [---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.OLB C.OBJ
If F$TrnLNm("PerlShr").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog/User PerlShr Sys
Link /NoTrace/NoMap /Shareable=[---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]PL_B__C.EXE
Running Mkbootstrap for B::C ()
MCR DKA0:[NICK.MARTIN.PERL-5_8_8]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]"
"-I[---.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e chmod 644 C.BS
%MMS-W-GMFUTURE, Time for [---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.BS is in the future:
6-AUG-2006 11:29:26.00
MCR DKA0:[NICK.MARTIN.PERL-5_8_8]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]"
"-I[---.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e cp C.bs [---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.BS
MCR DKA0:[NICK.MARTIN.PERL-5_8_8]miniperl.exe "-I[---.lib]"
"-I[---.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e chmod 644 [---.LIB.AUTO.B.C]C.BS
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target SUBDIRS, CLI returned abort status: %X10EE8180.
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target DYNEXT, CLI returned abort status: %X10EE8034.

Note the .EXISTS is in the future.

I've reset my time and timezone so now I have:

$ sho time
   6-AUG-2006 11:19:55

which is correct.


AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to "0" and DTSS is not in use.
You will have to manually change to/from Daylight Saving Time.

You can do this by executing SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM,

    LOCAL SYSTEM TIME        =  6-AUG-2006 11:20:11.58 (BST)
    TIME ZONE RULE           = GMT0BST-1,M3.4.0/01,M10.5.0/02
    Change GMT to BST on the Fourth Sunday of March (26-Mar-2006) at
    Change BST to GMT on the Last Sunday of October (29-Oct-2006) at


  "SYS$TIMEZONE_RULE" = "GMT0BST-1,M3.4.0/01,M10.5.0/02"

but still no luck.

I don't understand why auto_dlight_sav is set to 0 but I don't think it
is relevant.

Does anything look wrong my with time settings to you?

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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