
We are currently porting our C/C++ code base to 64-bit.  So, we need
our in-house perl extensions to play nice.  We currently use a 32-bit
version of perl.  I am wondering if I should do the address space
mapping (lots of memcpy() and malloc32()) in our .XS files or if I
should build a 64-bit perl (likely 5.8.7).  I've tried googling for
64-bit perl info but haven't turned up much.

Is there some sort of space constraint that is forcing this conversion for your XS modules?

Are you linking against or dynamically loading Perl shared images?

Perl on OpenVMS can be compiled to use 64 bit integers and off_t values with out using 64 bit pointers. I have been building it with 64 bit off_t values.

It can also be compiled to use 64 bit pointers. I have not tried that option my self. When using 64 bit pointers, it appears to still use routines that return pointers in the same range as for 32 bit pointers.

If you need to use pointers to the larger 64 bit address space, then it may take some work to adapt Perl on OpenVMS to make sure that everything can handle those pointers.

Blead-Perl - the current unstable development stream has quite a number of enhancements to the OpenVMS code base. I have been concentrating on improving the UNIX <=> VMS filename translations to handle EFS characters on ODS-5 volumes, including some support for Unicode filenames.

Blead-Perl now supports filenames as long as OpenVMS does, and it has better support for the EFS character set. There still is a lot to do to add full support of the EFS character set through out the Perl library, as a number of perl scripts and extensions are hardwired to assume historical OpenVMS/VAX limitations.

I also have a side built Perl 5.8.7 that has has improved support for the EFS character set, which gives a road map as how to fix the rest of blead-perl. That version does not support pathnames larger than 255 characters.

The side built Perl 5.8.7 for OpenVMS will handle many Perl scripts that are written only to run on UNIX systems, and produce the expected output.

My working on improving Perl on OpenVMS has been significantly slowed because as noted below, I am in a job hunt.

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