At 11:43 AM -0600 3/16/07, Mark Berryman wrote:
>Ok, this one has me stumped.
>I have two nearly identical systems (both are DS10s running VMS V8.3 but they 
>don't have identical disk farms).  Both are running the exact same copy of 
>HP's Perl 5.8.6 distribution plus the patch they have released.  However, on 
>one system, whenever the code reaches line 832 of, the variable $udir 
>is tainted and the program aborts.  On the other system it is not and the 
>program executes successfully.  On the first system, even simply trying to 
>install packages from CPAN fails because of tainted variables although the 
>same packages install fine on the second system.
>What could be causing this?
>Mark Berryman
>P.S. Line 832 of perl_root:[lib.file] reads as follows:
>   unless (chdir ($Is_VMS && $udir !~ /[\/\[<]+/ ? "./$udir" : $udir)) {

Look for differences in the value of $udir between the two systems
and also look at the contents of %ENV on the system that has the
problem. Does anything in the environment match the value of $udir?
Try running under -"Du", which should trace taint usage.  Compare the
rights identifiers between the two systems.  A protected subsystem
identifier can trigger tainting more or less like running with -T on
the command line.

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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