Ok, this one has me stumped.

I have two nearly identical systems (both are DS10s running VMS V8.3 but they don't have identical disk farms). Both are running the exact same copy of HP's Perl 5.8.6 distribution plus the patch they have released. However, on one system, whenever the code reaches line 832 of Find.pm, the variable $udir is tainted and the program aborts. On the other system it is not and the program executes successfully. On the first system, even simply trying to install packages from CPAN fails because of tainted variables although the same packages install fine on the second system.

What could be causing this?

Mark Berryman

P.S. Line 832 of perl_root:[lib.file]find.pm reads as follows:

   unless (chdir ($Is_VMS && $udir !~ /[\/\[<]+/ ? "./$udir" : $udir)) {

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