
        as far as I can conclude from your e-amil, you 
are using the public infrastructure/internet (through 
an ISP) to connect from home to your work. Since you are 
using private addresses (192.168.X) this won't work by 
definition because this addresses are never transported 
over internet. See http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1918.html 
for info about private vs. public addresses.
        What you need to do in this case is either connect
direct privately (dial in through a modem = no use of
public infrastructure) or build a tunnel/vpn (hide your
private addresses on the internet) How to do this is
beyond the scope of this mailing list, but you can find
enough of it on the internet.



*** important disclaimer:
by sending an email to any address, that will eventually cause it to
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  -I am by definition, "the intended recipient"
  - All information in the email is mine to do with as I see fit and
    make such financial profit, political mileage, or good joke as it
    lends itself to. In particular, I may quote it on usenet.
  - I may take the contents as representing the views of your company.
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van:  Eddie FARD 
> Verzonden:    donderdag 29 augustus 2002 05:03
> Aan:  Haan, de, Jan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Onderwerp:    Connection problem
> I have installed VNC 3.3.3 R2 on my computer at work and home.  When I
> want to
> login to my computer at home, I have the message that "CONNECTION TO
> FAILED". I ran WinVNC (app Mode) on my computer at work and VNCveiwer (
> Listen
> mode) on my computer at home.  Both computers were connected to internet.
> When
> I wanted to login to computer at work, I typed the server no e.g
> and clicked ok, but i was the message.
> Am I using the wrong procedures, what is the right procedures.  I really
> appreciate if anybody help me in this regard.
> Regards
> Eddie
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