I had a similar problem ...

Somehow, one of the "Timeout" registry entries for VNC had gotten a value other
than 0 ...

Once I reset them to 0 (which means  no timeout), my connection stayed up ...

best of luck :-)
Steven Hunter wrote:

> I work for a IT company, and most of my clients have adsl, with routers, and
> we use vnc for remote admin on the servers, workstations.
> Now on some of them all of a sudden, when we connect then enter the
> password, the password dialog box goes away like normal, but the screen
> doesn't come up, now i did a netstat and after i enter the password it drops
> the connection (this is with 3.3.4, and 3.3.5)
> now i tried with 3.3.3 and i get a connection closed dialog box come up
> after i enter the password.
> Any suggestions? now nothing has changed with the setup at our end or the
> clients end.
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Ken Poole
Software Engineer
DSP Development Tools Product Line
Analog Devices, Inc.
Phone: 781-461-3634
Fax: 781-461-4284
CROSSCORE, Analog Devices DSP Development Tools
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