----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Mazas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 3:58 AM
Subject: Display number with inetd

> Hi
> I'm on Solaris 8, with VNC 3.3.3R2 (Solaris 2.5 bundle).
> I've an application (ERP Oracle Applications through Apache JServ) that
> need to access the vnc server through a specific display number (as it
> is a fixed parameter, so I choosed 99).
> When I launch the vnc server through the command line, I get it ok (ie
> the display is <host>:99 for X clients, like vncviewer).
> But when I launch it through inetd (added a new service in
> /etc/services, added a new entry in /etc/inetd.conf with 'Xvnc :99
> -inetd -rfbport 5899 .' as arguments, like the ones produced by the
> vncserver perl script), I get the vnc server ok, can work with it, but
> the display is <host>:2, not what I want.
> Does anybody have an explanation and/or a solution ?
> Marc MAZAS

If I understand correctly using VNC via inetd causes a new display to be
generated per connection.  The details of VNC don't change and it still uses
one port per user.  I assume you are trying to make it so multiple users can
use the Oracle Applications.  Unless they share a display number I don't
think it is possible.
William Hooper

Hey, this isn't my tagline ! Who put it here ?
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