You wrote:

> I would say it sounds like you are settings the vnc current user
> password not the default (system password). Check the title of the
> window for the properties you are setting.

Yes, I do this. And afterward I merged regfile into the registry.

> The service only works with the vnc system password found in
> hkey_local_machine/software/orl/winvnc3/default.

Why VNC need two distinct passwords, user and system? Is it really

> The easy fix is to start winvnc in app mode.
> Open the system password properties via start-> programs -> vnc ->
> administrative tools -> show default settings
> Set the password
> (now to prevent confusion open regedit
> hkey_current_user/software/orl/winvnc3 and delete the password key.
> Now reboot and all should be fine.

I will try this...

Thank you,
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