> Message: 28
> Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 17:28:39 +0100
> From: Claudio Allocchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: OSXvnc and http server / multiple clients to a single VNC
>   server
> Hallo,
> I installed on my Mac runnin Mac OS X 10.1.5 both the linux-like 
> vncserver/Xvnc (which works fine both with any VNC client and via the 
> http Java clinet, giving the X11 desktop around) and the OSXvnc-0.7 for 
> Mac OS X "Aqua" interface. Both of them can run simultaneously, just 
> using different displays and different VNC socket ports (5901 and 5902 
> for example).
> Is it possible to access also OSXvnc server (i.e.the Aqua display) using 
> the http/Java client? I made a number of possible conbinations, but 
> apparently the OSXvnc server does not answer to http requests, and as 
> there is no log file for it, I cannot check where is the error.

The OSXVnc server you have doesn't include a built in HTTP server.
Neither does my version, at http://www.stevek.com/VNC/OSXVnc2.html

Long term, I'd like to see my code merged with the code for libvncserver,
which does have that feature..  I've started that, but haven't had time
to get very far.

Anyways, for now, you could run OSX' http server, and have a html page
with the java applet embedded, and pointing at your machine, where you
also have VNC running.

> Yet another question:
> can more than one VNC client access a single server (thus a single display?)
> I was wondering if one could use VNC in the following way:
> - I run a VNC server offering my display (NO remote control to clients)
> _ launch for example a powerpoint presentation
> - a number of remote VNC clients connect simultaneously to my server, and 
> can follow my presentation of their remote windows.
> I tried to do it in practice, but apparently, as soon as a new client 
> connects to the server, the previous one get an error or is disconnected.
> Of course if I launch more servers, then each single client can connect 
> to a single server, but the my presentation cannot be run simultaneously 
> to N servers...

I think the clients need to request a "shared" connection.

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