"In IT, we have rights to support everything, not see everything. I feel
spying crosses the line. "

LOL, I didn't mean to start a war.  Yes my original post was on 'spying',
however while most of you are in the corporate sector, I am in education.  I
do not spy on teachers or administrators, though if there is a problem I
don't ask for permission to access the computer to fix the issue.

When spying was brought up, it was in the context of peeking at students
while they are searching the internet.  I find my self in a bit of a
different situation than most of you.  Students that view inappropriate
material cannot be fired, the penalties really are lax due to governmental
controls.  My students are just as sneaky, if not more so, than adults.
Usually, in my experience, they are fairly computer literate.  My only
ace-in-the-hole is to keep an eye on them with out their knowing, and my
admin pwd.  I have locked them out of the system as best I could, but there
will always be holes (as long as I am using a MS product) <G>.  Spying in
the education setting I feel is really needed.
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