On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, William Hooper wrote:

> Doesn't VNC start the session you requested after you set the password
> (you don't need to run it a second time)?

No, you do have to run it a second time, at least with Xvnc 3.3.

> Are you sure that there isn't a server running on :10?

Yes.  Using appropriate 'ps' commands I can see all of the other vnc
processes, but there isn't one for :10.

> Have you tried to connect to it with a viewer?

Not until you suggested it (because it isn't running ;-), but I did just
try it and it responds as if there is nothing running on :10 (it does not
prompt for a password and a pop-up box says "Failed to connect to

> It might be useful to look for logs and PID files in the ~/.vnc
> directory.

I had done that.  There is no log for :10.  When I try to kill :10, it
tells me it doesn't know the PID, of course, so it fails.

> Does Solaris have a "netstat -a" that can show you if a port has a
> program listening on port 5910?

Good idea.  Yes, it does.  I looked and I found nothing on 5910.

So it's still a mystery.  Thanks for your efforts.  You had some good
ideas and I really appreciate your help.


Michael B. Miller, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Epidemiology
University of Minnesota

> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike Miller
> > I'm still using old Xvnc version 3.3, running on Solaris 8.  I set up
> > VNC for a student and had him start it up on :10.  It prompted for
> > password, which he entered, then I had him run vncserver :10 again to
> > create the VNC session.  It refused saying "A VNC server is already
> > running as :10", but it was lying! ;-)  There is no server on :10.
> > Then I had him run one on :11, and it worked without a problem.  I've
> > had him try, hours later, to start one on :10, but it won't work --
> > same error message.
> >
> > Any tips?  Would an upgrade be a good idea?
> >
> > Mike
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