On Thu, 05 Dec 2002 17:01:28 +0100 Bodo Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jerry McBride wrote:
> > On Thu, 05 Dec 2002 16:03:55 +0100 Bodo Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>I will compile the tighVNC under my SuSE8.0, but i become the 
> >>following error:
> >>
> [...]
> >>Can you help me?
> >>
> >>
> > Did you read the documentation before trying to compile the source?? It says
> > that to compile Xvnc, you must invoke the makfile with the command: make
> > World
> You mean
> ./configure
> make World ?
> It's the same error.


Here's how I do it. From the main dir of the xnv source code, I issue a make
clean then ./configure with no switches (defaults work fine here)  then a make.
I then move to the Xvnc directory and issue a make World. Then back to the main
directory and;./vncinstall/usr/bin/usr/man

Works for me... Try this and if it fails again, post all the text leading up to
the failure again. I'll try to help you again.


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