
>>>>> "CB" == "Beerse, Corni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> hello, is there a way to supply the password to the vncviewer
>> without typing it manually into the dialog box and without creating
>> a password file ? I would like a commandline option.

CB> See documentation.

CB> For unix viewer: put the (encrypted) password in a file and point
CB> the viewer to that file (the ~/.vnc/vncpasswd file for unixbased
CB> servers, or from the registry of windows-based servers)

Just a note: For the next Unix TightVNC version, I've implemented a
new option in vncpasswd, to make it work as a filter, reading
passwords from stdin, and writing them encrypted to stdout. That
should allow to set Xvnc passwords easily from scripts or from the
command line.

E.g. the command below saves two passwords (full-control and
view-only) specified in the command line:

  echo -e 'MyPaSsWd\nViewOnly' | vncpasswd -f > ~/.vnc/passwd

Another note: passing passwords from the command line can be a
security risk.

With Best Wishes,
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