cw said:
> Hi folks,
> having some trouble with a machine here and can't figure out why.
> The situation is that, upon every reboot the VNC password appears to
> become corrupted. I can still connect to the server but it does not
> accept the password until I manually go to the machine, bring up VNC
> properties and change the password. Another twist to this. I have VNC on
> several machines. If I use the same 12 character password (containing
> letters, numbers and characters) on all machines it works except for
> this machine which will refuse to allow any connections by failing
> authentication.

Password issues on the MS Windows platform are usually the result of
confusing the "per-user" settings and the "default" settings.  When you
run VNC as a service, it look in the registry for the "default" settings. 
When a user logs in and the service helper starts (the icon in the system
tray) VNC then reads the "per-user" settings (if they exist).  Just using
the service helper (which is what you describe above) changes the
"per-user" setting, but does nothing with the "default" setting.

I would suggest going into the registry and removing the "per-user"
settings.  Then if you need to make changes, go to the start menu and use
the "Show Default Properties" link to make any changes.  This way you only
have one group of settings and it avoids confusion.  See for details of where to look in the

And since you mention your password is 12 characters, you realize that
only the first 8 are significant:

William Hooper
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