> -------- Original Message --------
> Hi there,
> > When I start a vnc server enabling others to share the session using a
> > common password, I would like to being able to switch between active
> > and passive participants. I could imagine different modes of operation:
> >
> > 1) one active user - many observer
> > 2) many active users (sending mouse/keyboard events) - many observer
> > 3) all active users
> With a stock vnc installation, there is no way to do this that I am aware
> of.
> I am curious - are you running a Windows vnc server, where all
> participants see the same remote desktop? It's my understanding that with
> a *nix vnc server, each client gets their own desktop.

We do run on Unix (SGI and/or Linux), but here the behaviour is
the same: each client sees the same desktop.  You can start
multiple servers (with multiple desktops) though.  I do not know
about windows.

> If you are running a Windows server, in the many/all active user cases, do
> you want different participants' mouse and key strokes to be combined by
> the vnc server? Or do you want one participant to control the server at a
> time?

The combination of client inputs is already working natively -
you can use VNC in kollaborative mode, where all clients are
allowed to give input - quite messy sometimes :-)

Also, you can configure it the way that only one (or a subset of)
client(s) has control - the other would connect read-only then.

Our exact problem is that you specify that behaviour on startup -
we would like to move the input fokus around on runtime...

> I ask because I am a graduate student doing research in this area. As a
> part of the research, I have been modifying the Windows vnc 3.3.7 server
> and client to support multiple clients, but only with one client in
> control at a time. The other clients can observe, ask for control, and
> get it, in a manner similar to Microsoft NetMeeting.

That sounds about what we want! :-)  As said, I do not know about
windows - is your work portable to the Unix-version of VNC?

Cheers, thanks for your reply!

Andre & Stefan.

> andrew.
> Andrew Chan
> M.Sc. Candidate, Department of Computer Science
> University of British Columbia, Canada
> [5]www.cs.ubc.ca/~chana
> References
>    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    2. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    3. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    4. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    5. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~chana

| Andre Merzky                   | phon: ++49 - 30 - 84 1 85 - 339 |
| Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)    | fax : ++49 - 30 - 84 1 85 - 107 |
| Dept. Scientific Visualization | mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
| Takustr. 7 - D-14195 Berlin    | www : http://www.zib.de/merzky/ |
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