thanks very much to Scott Best, Dave Bricetti and ER Kooi, who all responded very quickly to my plea for assistance. The problem has now been resolved thanks to your kind help.

The solution may be of help to others who are trying to connect to Windows XP remote PCs.

The remote computer had its Windows XP firewall on. Unlike Zone Alarm etc, the firewall doesn't appear to be configurable to allow an incoming connection. The solution was to make the connection FROM the PC with the XP firewall, rather than TO it. This was done by having my father-in-law open VNC server app, right-click on the systray icon and select "add new client". He then entered my IP address in the box , while I opened the VNC viewer in "listen" mode. As soon as he clicked OK on his "add new client" dialogue, we were connected, and his screen appeared on my computer. And his computer is still protected by the firewall.

thanks again for all the help.


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