I found a Gentoo-forum question that solved my problem.  It says that VNC
does not set the numeric keypad for use.  A keyboard mapping for the
numeric keypad is given in the article.  For those interested, follow the
link at



On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, Scott Hyde wrote:

> I'm having problems using the number keypad.  (Compiled under Gentoo
> Linux).  The X server is X.org (6.7).  The behavior is as follows:
> On the console, the behavior of the NumLock button behaves normally for
> the command line and all applications (such as xcalc, openoffice, emacs,
> nano, etc.)
> When using VNC to remote the console (vnc.so), or using a regular
> vncserver session, the numlock key continues to function normally on the
> command line and on Openoffice.  However, the keypad does not work for
> Emacs, Nano, or other applications (such as notepad.exe under wine, for
> example).
> I would assume that since it works on the console, but not under VNC, that
> something is needs to be modified to make it work with VNC.  Is there a
> workaround for this?  I tried using the numlockx package that will turn
> numlock on and off under X.  However, then the all the numbers on the
> keypad would work (except for "5") as long as my numlock button was off.
> Could someone help me out with this?
> I did a search on the list and found information about numlock.  It said
> that it was disabled in VNC.  However, I would assume that was the VNC
> version 3.x.x.
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