I am principle designer and developer of Hamachi. I got few hits
from this maillist, checked out the comments and since we don't
have much information on the website I thought I'd offer some
answers here.

Since I just joined the list I don't have original emails, so
here's a summary with my comments in it -

> Am I the only one who has at least a slight distrust of using
> a "mediation server" in the middle of a secure connection?

Mediation server is NOT in the middle of the connection. All it
does is allows clients locate their peers and learn their external
(routable) IP/port numbers. The clients then hook up on their own
and the rest of the traffic flows directly between them.

See my next comment regarding security of the connection.

> Maybe I just don't get it, or I do and am overly paranoid, but
> this seems to invite snooping, man in the middle attacks, etc...
> What level of trust do I need to place on servers I have no
> control over?

Have a look at Security page on H website. This should take care
of your m-n-m worries. I come from a network security background
and take security architecture very seriously. If you can find
an exploitable flaw in it, I'd be very happy to hear about it.

I'll assume that by 'snooping' you mean our client software doing
something nasty on your machine and pushing the results back to
the servers. Well, you will have to have the same amount of trust
in H you have in any other application distributed in binary form.
This includes, btw, pre-build open-source packages. In fact, you
cannot even trust applications that you compile yourself unless
you go and inspect entire codebase line by line. So the 'level'
is clearly subjective and based on your risk tolerance.

> I have to wonder what the motivation for a company offering a
> service like this for free...

Few reasons. First - it doesn't cost much to maintain. We don't
relay traffic, so bandwidth requirements are fairly low. Second -
there is a demand for this kind of application and offering basic
services for free is common approach for building a customer base.

> Agreed, this type of a program makes you sit back and wonder, why?

Well, you are most certainly entitled to this. However, I would
suggest to take your tinfoil hat off :) and have another look at
the application.

> If programs like these are freewheeling around, what is even the
> point of having a firewall, also what is there to prevent them
> giving total access to outsiders, even without knowing?

Trusted outsiders. This makes the world of difference.

> If they had offered the source, so that we can look at it.
> and so we could setup our own servers as "mediators", then maybe...
> Otherwise I'd feel extremely uneasy about the whole thing...

I am a big propent of Open Source - you can look me up on sf.net and
freshmeat, but in this particular case opening the source up gives
us very little benefit, but does take away quite a bit of an avantage

However we plan to do something better than opening the sources -
we are going to open cli-srv protocol after the first production
release. If you don't trust our client implementation for some
reason - feel free to build your own.

In case if you wonder how it is better, opening protocol spec means
making a commitment to maintaining it, while opening sources merely
says 'here, look how _current_ version is implemented'.
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