The questions boil down to this:

have i misunderstood what free version is doing?
can it really do what i need?

if not, can either of the paid versions do it?
don't want to buy one and find out that it can't ;)

77 D'~x 77 wrote:
It sounds like you're running it in user mode.

WinVNC4 is running as a service.
it's set to start automatically,
in SYSTEM account, and interact with the desktop.

i tried the service earlier,
set NOT to interact with the desktop.
started the service manually, NO tray icon appeared.
the -connect command got "Unable to locate existing VNC Server".

So i figured there's no IPC when there's no tray icon.

and when no-one's logged on, there can't be a tray icon.

after the testing i had a look in the source,
and it seems to confirm what i thought.

(C++ is beyond me, Python's enough of a challenge,
so i don't *really* understand this ;)

in winvnc.cxx at line 102 is processParams( ),
where, if the "-connect" param is followed by an address,
it goes to SendMessage(hwnd,... ).

but, hwnd comes from FindWindow(0, _T("winvnc::IPC_Interface"),
and "winvnc::IPC_Interface" seems to be defined in
*STrayIcon.cxx*, line 62, in class winvnc::*STrayIcon*.

this leads to thread.server.addNewClient()
in STrayIcon.cxx at line 172

which leads to VNCServerWin32::addNewClient( )
in VNCServerWin32.cxx at line 210.

but i'm not smart enough to figure out how to call
VNCServerWin32::addNewClient directly from Python :)

bottom line: looks like the IPC goes through STrayIcon.

i'm testing on an old NT4 workstation.
when i reboot it, i wait a few minutes before logging in.
during that time, no VNC connect happens.
(i know my Python service is running,
'cos it writes the time in a log file.)

as soon as i log in, the VNC tray icon appears;
soon after that, a loop in the python repeats,
and VNC connects.

All the logs show that VNC did nothing until i logged in.
there's no proof that it's running, but i guess it must be;
there's no error msg anywhere about a service failing to start.


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