For GNU/Linux systems, I see this option for vncconfig:

 -connect host[:port]
     Tells an Xvnc server to make a "reverse" connection to a listen-
     ing  VNC  viewer  (normally  connections  are made the other way
     round - the viewer connects to the server).  host  is  the  host
     where  the listening viewer is running. If it's not listening on
     the default port of 5500, you can specify host:port instead.

and I see this option for vncviewer:

 -listen [port]
     Causes  vncviewer to listen on the given port (default 5500) for
     reverse connections from a VNC server.  WinVNC supports  reverse
     connections  initiated using the 'Add New Client' menu option or
     the '-connect' command-line option.  Xvnc supports reverse  con-
     nections with a helper program called vncconfig.

This makes me think that maybe the following is possible, and I wonder if anyone has done it already:

The user changes his bash configuration file so that when he logs in via SSH, the system looks for the SSH port forward to his machine, checks if he has an Xvnc session running and asks him if he wants a VNC connection to his local machine. If he wants it, vncconfig calls back to his listening vncviewer.

Something like that. I haven't studied it enough yet to get all the right concepts. Does an SSH tunnel have to be established or can port forwarding somehow be used?

What I'm really after is this: The easiest way for Windows users to connect securely to free VNC running on GNU/Linux. I expect to use PuTTY, possibly .bat files. I'm thinking someone has this all figured out but what I'm finding are fairly elaborate instructions that would be too challenging many users and make too much work for frequent use.

Maybe we just have to configure PuTTY for port forwarding, then set up a little batch file that calls PuTTY with the right command-line options and then calls VNCviewer to connect to the correct port on localhost. So, have you done it?

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