On Tue, 17 Dec 2019, m...@astrocompanies.com wrote:

Good question.  First, if you're using Hooli, you'll have to migrate to
Pipernet sooner or later.  Their middle-out compression provides much better
call quality so it's worth the effort to migrate.

 Doh! What's their Weissman score?

But to the issue you raised, the purpose of STIR/SHAKEN is not to block
robocalls per se, it is to provide an authentication chain so that you can
determine and contact the originating carrier regardless of the route the
call took to reach the terminating side.

AFAIK, it is only the first originating carrier that gets a SIP Invite that
contains no STIR/SHAKEN header. Each carrier does not also add their own
header. I may be incorrect.

So, now we can see that the call was attested by Hooli, and if Hooli does
not cooperate with our fraud/nuisance investigations we are now authorized
to block traffic signed by Hooli.  That does fix the problem to a large

 Sure, but have you ever tried to contact a carrier for which you do not
 have a business relationship and get them to do something, and you are
 smaller and less consequential than they are?

 We can block Hooli, but now OUR customers are livid, and Hooli doesn't
 really care.

However, it's also worthy of note that this is not the main problem that
needs to be solved.  The main problem that needs to be solved is the case
where you are sending the call to Hooli originating from a number that is
assigned to our CLEC, which you don't have permission to use.  This does
solve that problem, because Hooli is only going to issue partial attestation
for that call since it's not their number.  So we can still contact Hooli
about it because they attested it and from that I can find them, but we or
our subscriber can also block calls with partial attestations if we/they
choose to.

 But if I DO have a number assigned to me BY as CLEC that is not the
 terminating carrier (e.g. Acme gives me a DID, which I am authorized to
 use, then try to terminate using that DID as CallerID through Hooli, Hooli
 does not know (and cannot know for certain) that I, the Hooli customer, is
 authorized to use that DID as CallerID, even though I am. This results in
 a Hooli Partial Attestation, even though the call is fully compliant with
 all the rules.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beck...@angryox.com                                 http://www.angryox.com/
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