Probably splitting hairs here but how is a2p and p2p differentiated?

Some of our small businesses clients use a text 2 email gateway so they can 
communicate with customers?

Its not an automated system that is responding but a person.

Can we assume that any text enabled TN that does not terminate on a cell 
carrier will be considered a2p?

-------- Original message --------
From: John Levine <>
Date: 3/6/21 11:26 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] AT&T Verizon to block text messaging

EXTERNAL EMAIL:This email originated from outside of the organization.

In article <> you write:
>Spotify is a terrible example. People listen to one song at a time, and
>choose the songs they listen to.
>Unwanted A2P SMS is more akin to unwanted commercial mail.

It is also, for anyone who hasn't been paying attention, completely illegal.

I expect my opinion is not unusual that if the only way to get rid of illegal 
unwanted A2P
is to get rid of A2P altogether, that would be fine with me.


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