On Sat, 6 Mar 2021, Alexander Lopez wrote:

Probably splitting hairs here but how is a2p and p2p differentiated?

 Consumer (Person-to-Person (P2P))
 Non-Consumer (Application-to-Person (A2P))

 If you are a business sending SMS messages to people who pay you or might
 someday pay you, the traffic is A2P. Even "your package has arrived" is
 A2P. Even if you're typing each one, if it is business related and not
 conversational, it's A2P.

 If you are chatting with a friend or even work colleague about things,
 then it is P2P.

 Conversational Traffic is generally P2P.

Some of our small businesses clients use a text 2 email gateway so they can 
communicate with customers?

 At low volume they can likely do so as long as their provider doesn't
 mind and the traffic doesn't look "spammy."

Its not an automated system that is responding but a person.

 If it is another person, it's probably fine. Until it isn't.

Can we assume that any text enabled TN that does not terminate on a cell
carrier will be considered a2p?

 By default, yes. We had to "certify" that our traffic was P2P,
 "demonstrate" that it was P2P, and "confirm" that we had implemented the
 CTIA Best Practices [1] in code to minimize the possibility of misuse of
 our platform for A2P purposes.

 Page 10: Typical Consumer Operation (P2P)
   - 15-60 messages per minute
   - 1,000 messages per day
   - 10-100 distinct recipients
   - Roughly 1:1 ratio incoming to outgoing SMS volume
   - fewer than 25 repeated messages

 If the traffic doesn't meet that criteria, it's likely A2P.

 Download and read the CTIA PDF if you want to know more.



-------- Original message --------
From: John Levine <jo...@taugh.com>
Date: 3/6/21 11:26 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: voiceops@voiceops.org
Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] AT&T Verizon to block text messaging

EXTERNAL EMAIL:This email originated from outside of the organization.

In article <alpine.bsf.2.20.2103051141560.46...@nog2.angryox.com> you write:
Spotify is a terrible example. People listen to one song at a time, and
choose the songs they listen to.

Unwanted A2P SMS is more akin to unwanted commercial mail.

It is also, for anyone who hasn't been paying attention, completely illegal.

I expect my opinion is not unusual that if the only way to get rid of illegal 
unwanted A2P
is to get rid of A2P altogether, that would be fine with me.


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