Will the past few days end up re-writing history as far as how we treat
single-homing phone numbers?  And/or make instant porting more common?
Maybe a BGP-like way to migrate them quickly?

On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 9:35 PM Paul Timmins <ptimm...@clearrate.com> wrote:

> There is literally no TECHNICAL reason they can't. I've helped out other
> local carriers with some problems where we took over numbers in less than
> 10 minutes between wireline carriers and just set up forwarding for their
> customers til the outage was resolved. I moved 200 of my own numbers from
> another local carrier to my own network with 5 minutes notice coordinating
> the port over ICQ back when that was a thing. It's been possible for years,
> people just don't often do it.
> If both carriers log into LTI at the same time and build the subscription
> and the matching release, the number can be ported instantly. I pulled an
> old cell phone like that by logging into syniverse, submitting a WLSR to
> Sprint, and immediately built the subscription, they immediately matched it
> electronically, and I clicked activate and the number was on me, bam.
> The real issue is getting the losing carrier to remove the routes (or
> setting TAT triggers that do an LNP dip before terminating so the calls
> route correctly the second they're updated in NPAC) and if that is done,
> then you're good to go. If I was a company like thinq, I'd work with my
> partner carriers to let me move my numbers around between them quickly in a
> similar fashion to create a real differentiated product.
> -Paul
> > On Sep 27, 2021, at 5:53 PM, Alex Balashov via VoiceOps <
> voiceops@voiceops.org> wrote:
> >
> > No, nobody can “flash-port” numbers to a different LRN like that. Anyone
> who claims this has a bridge to sell you.
> >
> > This capability is indeed limited to SMS/800.
> >
> >> On Sep 27, 2021, at 5:47 PM, Carlos Alvarez <caalva...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> It would be interesting if they could do DID re-routing quickly
> >
> > --
> > Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
> >
> > Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
> > Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/
> >
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