I think you need to think of it in terms of it being like 911. "Do I want to chance getting sued and possibly put out of business because of that one person who killed themselves after they tried dialing 988 and couldn't get through?" Pick your battles.....but this isn't a good one to pick.

BackUP Telecom Consulting
Office: 615-791-9969
Cell: 615-796-1111

On 2022-07-19 04:56 PM, Alex Balashov via VoiceOps wrote:
On Jul 19, 2022, at 2:23 PM, Hunter Fuller <hf0002+na...@uah.edu> wrote:

All anyone can tell me on this list is "because there is no point,"
"because it is antiquated," etc. - but the proposed alternative would
literally cost my organization time and therefore money to accomplish,
and provide an arguably worse UX for long-time users. So I am still
kinda hoping someone can tell me what would be so great about the
changeover, aside from allowing people to call 988 faster.

There’s nothing great about the changeover. It sucks. Don’t follow the herd.

— Alex
VoiceOps mailing list

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