Posted by Randy Barnett:
Many Thanks to Friends and VC Readers:

   I want to thank all my friends from around the country, and Volokh
   Conspiracy readers, for their many emails expressing support and words
   of encouragement to me following the Supreme Court's disappointing
   decision on Monday in Gonzales v. Raich. I have also taken solace in
   the outpouring of disapproval for the Court's decision from every
   ideological quarter of the blogosphere.
   As you can imagine, after investing over two years litigating this
   case in the District Court and Court of Appeasls, and almost the
   entirety of my fall semester preparing for three moot courts and oral
   argument, Monday was a pretty tough day. All these expressions of
   support, which I have yet to individually acknowledge, really did
   help--as did the clarity and potency of the dissenting opinions by
   Justices O'Connor and Thomas. I was grateful as well that Chief
   Justice Rehnquist, the author of the opinions in Lopez and Morrison on
   which our arguments were based, completely endorsed our reading of
   those cases by joining Justice O'Connor's cogent opinion that adopted
   our arguments in their entirety. This was not what experienced court
   watchers expected from him. Perhaps it is worth noting that the three
   justices who did not ask me any questions in oral argument ultimately
   sided with us.
   When the decision came down, I was in the middle of six hours of
   lectures on Contracts at NYU for [1]LawPReview. I used my hour for
   lunch to skim the opinion and participate in a telephonic press
   conference with 50 reporters. Then I had to return to the classroom to
   teach contract law. The students were very understanding of the fact
   that I was probably not quite the same teacher as I had been for the
   first 2 hours of the day. After that, I faced a several hour delay
   returning to Boston due to thunderstorms at LaGuardia. My parents
   arrived from out of town to visit hours before my return to Boston, so
   I am now preoccupied with spending time with them.
   For all these reasons, I have been too drained and distracted to blog
   on the decision, and it continues to be difficult to write about it
   dispassionately. Today, however, I did manage to pen some brief
   comments that I expect will appear on National Review Online tomorrow.
   When they do, I will link to them here and, perhaps, add some
   additional thoughts. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who wrote to
   me or who blogged their support. It really meant a lot.



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