Posted by David Bernstein:
Cheers to Joe Biden

   [1]for not pulling rank
   to get tickets to a sold out movie. His gentlemanly behavior is in
   stark contrast to that of former veep Al Gore. He once sent his secret
   service detail to "ask" a friend of mine to leave his seat at a movie
   in D.C. "because you are sitting where the vice-president would like
   to sit." For all you residents of the D.C. area, the proper response
   to a request like that is "well, then, the vice-president can just
   come over and ask me himself."

   Another mensch: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I once stood behind her waiting
   to be seated at a local theater production. She didn't try to cut the
   line, didn't have especially good seats, and otherwise didn't act like
   she was entitled to special treatment because of her position.


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